Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Money Game

Life is like a game and money is one of the areas we got to manage in order to win the game of life.

In fact, if we learn to play the money game well, we could potentially win big in the game of life. But very often people do not manage money well and fail badly in the game of life. These people usually fall into the 2 extremes of beliefs:

1) Money is not important...
Is that true? There are many talks about money, saying that money can never make you happy, money in the root of all evil etc.

The truth is money is nothing but a medium or "tool" in order to exchange goods. In fact, it is the final good that is important to us, goods like food, shelther, water, medical, education, - any kind of good and servcies.
And the amount of money you can afford on each of this good will largely determine quality and quantity you get. Like a bigger better house, better medical sevices etc...

And how many other legitimate ways can we get theses goods now without using some form of money (cash, cheque, credit card etc). Well, we could work for them and not get money involved, but this will bring us back to the bulter trade days wouldn't it?

So i would like to suggest this fact that money is important and we better learn to play the money game.

2) Money is Everything!

Now, we come to the other extreme. Some people treat money like it is everything in the world. They become addicted to money so much so that it is painful to part with money.

Some of this people eventually become socially recognized as "rich" because they manage to accumulated huge amount of money, but the truth is they are no longer able to spend it at free will without feeling the joy.

They buy a new house for their family but grumble whole day about how expensive it is and how they got cheated in the renovation etc... They buy a new car and complain that the fuel comsumption is too high...

They no longer see money as a tool, but they see money as part of their identity...

That is too much!

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