Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winning the Money Game

I am setting up this blog for my children...

Unlike the conventional method of leaving behind some sum of money, i want to leave behind the strategies to win the money game for my children.

Why? Why not just leave behind the money?

The truth is, it is more important to develop the financial muscles of my children. should they receieve money without the financial intelligence or muscles to manage it, it will soon be spent and worse, because of the lifestyle they may choose to take, they may get into financial distress once the money is used up.

And if i train them up, giving them the ability to become financially abundant, they can create wealth anytime they want and know how to manage these wealths.

The money given to us is from God and it is my duty as a father to teach and train my children to be good stewards of God's money.

So, to my children, here are the essentials and strategies on how to win the money game...

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